Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Day 33, project 33 (d33: p33)


Iain Armstrong, Dirtector of The 13th Floor- the internet TV channel that connects people in business.


(Director, Iain Armstrong and cast member, Kate Bronze)

Phil 'Fingers' Diprose -editor (nicknamed by Iain and myself for his super-hero speed)

(gettin' jiggy with the crew...)


To assist with film editing- (6 x 40min VT cut for 8 segments, to be aired Wednesday 18th 2007)


Working on The 13th Floor:
(editing suite7)

(Iain caught now doing any work...tut tut...)

(helping 'Fingers' identify 'The Apprentice' candidates)


(recording sound bites for the segments)

(finished piece)

2x segments of 'Headliners'
2x segments of 'Battle for Boardroom'
2x segments of 'And Aother Things'
1x segments of 'Hanson's Heroes'
1x segments of '13th Floor on the Apprentice'

(viewable on www.the13thfloor.tv)
p.s. it's fabulous, so take a look!

Start time: 12:03 (17/4/07)
Finish time: 18: 35 (17/4/07)


gdcom student said...

Now that's a variety lil' mama. Wow the experience you are getting. You are doing great

gdcom student said...

Thanks big mama. Was a great day and got to see all the actions that goes on behind closed doors. Iain and the team are also fab to work with and made the day sooo fun!


gdcom student said...

I completely agree. Such a variety in your projects! It's great that you're getting all that experience in only one project.
Well done you!

gdcom student said...

Gracias hermosa. was telling the guys yesterday how much I feel I've learnt already- and it's only been half the journey! yikes-a-roo!
