Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Day 40, project 40 (d40: p40)


City of London School for Girls, Barbican (my beloved Secondary School, 1996- 2003)

(FYI: look at the last picture on the right, top row...that's me...back in the day!)

(crikey...that was yonks ago!)


AM: Conceptual:
Working with Charlene Stevenson in the Development and Marketing department: re-design of the Sixh Form Prospectus 2007-9, for re-publication 2008

PM: Practical:
Teacher's assistant to Miss. Curtis & Miss. Douglas, Heads Art Department


(a sign from above...)

(the lovely Charlene Stevenson, Marketing Director)

(old school layout design: cut and paste)

(working hard for the money...)

(...so hard for the money...)

(the finished dissected prospectus)

(was also invited by Charlene Stevenson to a Marketing, Communications and Media Networking Event, 9th May )

PM: Practical1 : Lesson1: Miss Curtis
Screen printing with Miss Curtis for a student textile piece.
PM: Practical2: Lesson2: Miss Douglas, lesson assistance

(the olg gang reunited)

Start time: 8:30(24/4/07)
Finish time: 5:05 (24/4/07)